In 2018, pig production increased slightly in comparison with 2017 (+ 0.6%). Exports dropped by 0.8%, in line with the great decrease in the exports to sub-Saharan Africa (Congo, Ivory Coast and Ghana: - 6,400 tonnes in carcass weight, tcw), Hungary (- 6.000 tcw), etc. The drop regarding exports has been more moderate in the case of Greece (- 3,800 tcw), Spain, Belgium and China (-1,100 tcw). On the other hand, there was an increase in the sales to Italy (+ 6,000 tcw), The Philippines (+ 3,400 tcw), Germany and The Netherlands. The increase by 2.3% in the imports, mainly from Europe, affects Italy, and also The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. The foreign trade deficit worsened, going from - 1,400 tcw and - €409 million in 2017 to - 19,600 tcw and - €439 million in 2018. On the other hand, the price of feed for pigs stabilised by late 2018. Along 2018 it was 3.3% higher that in 2017, but due to its low price in the first half of 2018, it remained below the average 2013-2017 price (- 4.4%).

February 2019/ Agreste/ France.