The French Federation of Pork Products Industries (FICT) has shown its disagreement with respect to the compulsory labelling indicating the origin of the pig meat in spite of the repeated requests of the French pig interprofessional association. According to the FICT, an 80% of the pork used comes from the French market, although in the case of some kinds of sausages, the amount or the quality available in France does not match demand.
The French pork industries and the retailing sector (FCD) mention that they prefer to wait for a decision from Brussels that obliges all the European countries. The EU is working in this sense, but it has not reached a decision yet.
Last Thursday, the Meat Companies' Association (SNIV-SNCP) regretted that the FITC and that the supermarkets do not show themselves in favour of the obligation of mentioning the origin of the pig meat.
In 2010, the French pig interprofessional association (Inaporc) signed an agreement to encourage that the industry uses the VPF (viande porcine française = French pig meat) logotype.
Currently, only a 41% of the products in the shop shelf are labelled as VPF, and they represent a 58-60% of the sales, according to the National Pig Federation (FNP).

Friday April 5, 2013/ La France Agricole/ France.