The French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, during his visit to China, has signed a cooperation program concerning food safety together with his Chinese counterpart Minister ZHI Shuping. According to the French Ministry, the cooperation program will be crucial for the growth of the French exportations to China.
In particular, in the field of pork products (cured products/cold meats), this text represents a great progress for the opening of the market in China, because it is expected that shortly, a delegation of Chinese experts will visit France, and this is a preliminary requirement for the obtaining of the approval by the Chinese authorities to export to their country.
During the meeting, two agreements between private operators related with the production of powdered milk and the development of swine genetics have also been signed.

Thursday April 25, 2013/ Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt/ France.