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France: reduction in pig production

During the first nine months of this year, the pig production in France has fallen a 2%.

15 November 2012

During the first nine months of this year, the pig production in France has fallen a 2% in relation to the same period of 2011, whilst the consumption has remained relatively stable.

In September 2012, the volume of slaughtered pigs has fallen approximately a 6% regarding the number of animals and a 5% regarding the weight in comparison with September 2011. Since the start of 2012, the slaughter, in relation with the number of animals, has fallen a 3% in comparison with the same period of 2011. This reduction is due, in part, to the slowing down or the stopping of the activity of some pig producers because of the imminent coming into force of the animal welfare regulations for the pregnant sows.

October 2012/ Agreste/ France.

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