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France: Résavip - Review of operations and surveillance results for 2016

The visits detected type A swine influenza viruses (SIVs) in almost half of the cases studied (44.7%).

29 November 2017

In 2016, 309 farm visits were performed, covering 267 different farms, as part of Résavip in the twelve (former) regions of France and 28 departments. This number increased by about 10% compared to the previous three years. Assessment of the performance indicators shows that the key steps in the network’s functioning have improved si nce 2015. However, we should mention that in certa in regions with few or no visit, no annual meeting was held with the regional stakeholders.

The visits detected type A swine influenza viruses (SIVs) in almost half of the cases studied (44.7%). A little less than three quarters (71%, 98/138) of the detected viruses could be subtyped. Like in previous years, the SIVs most commonly identified by Résavip were enzootic H1avN1 virus (66.3%, 65/98) and H1huN2 virus (12.2%, 12/98). H1avN1 was detected in regions a cross mainland France, while H1huN2 was found on farms in the west of the country and for the first time in the north. The other enzootic viruses at the European and/or French level (H1N1pdm, H1huN2 Δ 146 - 147 and H3N2), are assortant rH1avN2 virus, and viral mixtures were detected sporadically (between 1% and 7% of identified viruses). Importantly, high viral diversity was observed in the Hauts-de-France region in 2016.

Friday November 3, 2017/ Plateforme ESA/ France.

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