Due to the increase in African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks in Sardinia (Italy) and the geographical spreading of these outbreaks out from the known endemic area (Decision No. 2011/852/EU of 15 December 2011), the French General-Directorate for Food decided to implement a programme for strengthening the surveillance and prevention actions in Corsica.
As a part of this programme, a serological survey was carried out on the domestic pigs slaughtered in the four Corsican abattoirs between February and March 2014. In total, 401 samples from almost 8,000 pigs slaughtered during the period of the survey were analysed.

All the samples gave a negative result. Only in the case of two samples a second analysis was performed, because they showed results in the limit of the threshold of doubt. The rest of the sera were clearly negative.
In short, the survey proved the absence of current circulation of the disease within the outdoor-reared domestic pig population that are sent to the abattoir.
Monday, October 22, 2014/ Bulletin épidémiologique n° 63 - Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Fôret/ France.