The French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, has welcomed, with great satisfaction, the strengthening of the relationships between France and Russia with respect to the agricultural sectors of first importance in favour of the exports in the livestock sector after the French-Russian meeting that took place in Moscow and Saint Petersburg from September 18th to 20th.
Given the importance of the agricultural and food exports from France to Russia (€1.2 thousand million in 2012), the French and Russian companies have focused their negotiations on four sectors considered as being of first importance: swine, beef cattle, potatoes and wholesale markets. Dairy cattle, which is also an industry of first importance, will be the target of future work.
These meetings allowed the reaching of a cooperation agreement for the creation of a wholesale market in Saint Petersburg, together with the Rungis market, through the settlement of a net of wholesale markets in Russia.
During the conversations, the restoring of the certification of an important French company in the swine sector was also reached, whilst the restoring of the certification in the case of other companies is currently being studied by the Russian health authorities.

Monday September 23, 2013/ Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Fôret/ France.