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France: the farmers are still pressing the government

The French farmers, that have been protesting for several days due to the low prices of milk and meat, are still blocking roads.

29 July 2015

The French farmers, that have been protesting for several days due to the low prices of milk and meat, that do not cover the production costs, are still mobilised and organising blocks in the roads in the borders with Spain and Germany.

The mobilisations are going on whilst the government is still working to find a solution. It is expected that today, Mr. Michel Sapin, the Finance Minister; Mr. Stéphane Le Foll, the Minister of Agriculture; and Mr. Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of Economy, meet with the representatives of the Public Investment Bank (BPI) to decide on the terms of the aid programme presented last week by the government.

Sunday, 26 July 2015/ Le Monde/ France. http://www.lemonde.fr
Tuesday, 28 July 2015/ Le Parisien/ France. http://www.leparisien.fr

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