The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Stéphane Le Foll; the Minister of Production Recovery, Arnaud Montebourg; the Subsecretary of the Ministry of Food, Guillaume Garot; the Vice-president of the region of Aquitaine, Jean-Pierre Raynaud; and the Vice-president of the Food Chain Strategic Committee, Jean René Buisson, signed last June the Food Chain Contract in the presence of Louis Gallois, the General Commissioner of Investments.
Based on a thousand proposals formulated for the months during which the discussions took, the Ministers, and representatives of the French Regions Association and of the food chain have signed a mutual commitment based on seven items: employment, finances, innovation, the green challenge, exportation, quality and the promotion of the French alimentary model, and the relationships within the industry.

Thursday June 20, 2013/ Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt/ France.