MEPs recognise that EU member states should be allowed to adapt EU farming policy to their needs, but reject any renationalisation of the CAP, which could, they say, distort competition in the single market.
The EU farm policy must rest on a common set of objectives, rules, tools and checks. Member states should design their national strategies on this basis and pick actions they feel best suited for them.

While the future EU farming policy should foster performance rather than compliance, farming activities in all member states should be subject to the same EU high standards and their breach should trigger similar penalties, MEPs say.
Making EU farms more sustainable and fully integrated into the circular economy, fostering innovation, research and smart practices should be among the new CAP’s top priorities. To this end, EU farm policy must be sufficiently funded, which means maintaining the CAP budget at its current level as a minimum, MEPs argue.
The Agriculture committee also wants:
- direct payments to continue to be fully financed from the EU budget,
- to cut red tape for the mandatory greening measures (needed to receive payments) and make them more result-oriented, simplify and better target voluntary ones,
- new EU method to calculate direct payments by 2030 to phase out historical support criteria and support more those who deliver additional public goods,
- more efficient ways to ensure that EU support goes to genuine farmers,
- more money to help invigorate rural areas,
- less money for larger farms with a mandatory EU ceiling,
- fairer distribution of EU funds among member states, considering amounts received and differences e.g. in production costs or purchasing power,
- to boost support for young and new farmers,
- stronger support to farmers hit by income and price volatility,
- to exclude most sensitive sectors from trade negotiations,
- voluntary coupled support, which member states can now grant to particularly important ailing sectors, to be used also for strategically important production, e.g. protein crops, or to compensate the effects of free trade deals.
Friday May 18, 2018/ EC/ European Parliament/ European Union.