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German pork exports to China double in first half of 2020

More than twice as much pork was exported to China during the first half of the year than in the same period of 2019.

30 September 2020

The meat industry in Germany has been under pressure since the first case of African swine fever was discovered in Brandenburg. Local companies are particularly affected by the export ban to China. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the People's Republic of China became the most important trading partner for pork exports in the first half of 2020. From January to June 2020, 233,300 tonnes of pork were exported to China, which represents 26.8% of total exports. This means that exports to China have more than doubled compared to the same period of the previous year (share of exports January to June 2019: 12.9%). A total of 870,700 tons of pork worth 2.4 billion euros were exported in the first half of this year.

While most pork exports were exported to Italy in the first half of 2019 (18.0%), this year Italy came in second behind China with a share of 15.2%. In July 2020, almost a quarter of all pork exports were exported to China (24.4%). One reason for the growing demand from China is African swine fever, which has been rampant there for some time. It has been spreading in China since August 2018, drastically reducing the number of pigs there and increasing demand on the world market.

German pork exports to China

German pork exports to China

September 16, 2020/ Destatis/ Germany.

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