
Germany – Increase in exterior commerce

In accordance with preliminary figures from the German Federal Statistics Office, the volume of pork exportations was 2,52 million tons, which represents an increase of 4% compared with the year before.
23 May 2011
In accordance with preliminary figures from the German Federal Statistics Office, the volume of pork exportations was 2,52 million tons, which represents an increase of 4% compared with the year before.

This increase is due partly to the increase in deliveries to Russia and China. The volume of exportations to Russia rose by almost 20%. Delivery to other EU countries was maintained at 1,8 million tons, with 75% of the total exportations.

On the other hand, the importation of pork decreased by around 2% with a total of 1,2 million tons. The main provider countries were Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands.


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