
Germany - Agriculture ministers get tough to prevent repeat of dioxin scandal

Germany’s federal states have agreed on tough measures, including possible prison terms for offenders, in an effort to prevent a repeat of the dioxin scandal that has severely damaged the agriculture industry.
20 January 2011
Germany’s federal states have agreed on tough measures, including possible prison terms for offenders, in an effort to prevent a repeat of the dioxin scandal that has severely damaged the agriculture industry.

During the meeting, the state ministers broadly backed Aigner’s original proposals. They agreed to tighten licensing procedures for animal feed producers and impose tougher sanctions against negligent feed producers, including possible prison sentences.

The ministers also agreed that fats for animal consumption and fats for industrial purposes are to be produced separately and to extend regular checks of animal feeds.

The results would have to be reported automatically and immediately to the authorities. There would be unified standards for the checks in all 16 states which would also involve federal inspectors.


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