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Germany approves law on labeling meat according to type of husbandry

The Bundestag has approved the law submitted by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture for mandatory state labeling according to animal husbandry.

22 June 2023

The labeling of meat according to the type of animal husbandry will have to provide information on the type of animal housing during production on a five-level scale (from the smallest to the largest available area): pen, pen with more space, outdoor pen, outdoor production, and organic production.

Initially, the law will apply to meat from finishing pigs and will quickly be extended to other animal species and other areas of the value chain, such as catering.

In addition, Parliament has also approved changes to the building code to facilitate pen conversions to make it easier for farms to adapt their operations to more animal-friendly ways of farming. The law provides subsidies to businesses that wish to convert their pens to outdoor pens, outdoor production, or organic production.

Both laws will be discussed on July 7 in the Federal Council, but do not require approval.

June 16, 2023/ BMEL/ Alemania.

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