The "Livestock Competence Network" (Kompetenznetzwerk Nutztierhaltung, KNW), is known as the "Borchert Commission" after its chairman, former Federal Minister of Agriculture Jochen Borchert. The high-level panel of experts presented recommendations for the restructuring of livestock farming and thus gave impetus to the agricultural policy debate in Germany.
On September 8, 2022, the Borchert Commission received a new mandate and accepted it, but stated that it wanted to suspend its work for the time being. It justified this by saying that it first needed to agree on a long-term state-funded animal welfare premium.
On June 2, 2023, the Borchert Commission announced that it would continue with its work but finally decided on August 22, 2023 to disband.
August 22, 2023/ BMEL/ Germany.