According to the Federal Information Centre for Agriculture (BZL), 287 companies manufacturing compound feeds produced a total of 23.9 million t during 2019/20, 0.4% more than the previous year. The number of companies has decreased slightly and the average production volume has reached 83,438 t per company. About 21 million t of raw materials were processed for the total production volume.
The use of rapeseed meal (2.5 million t) in compound feed continued to be greater than that of soybean meal (2.4 million t). 113,406 t of legumes were processed, 40% less than in the previous year. 61,889 t less peas were used (-47.1%) than in the previous year. However, the use of rye increased significantly (+49.6%).
Pig feed remains the most important, with 9.6 million t marketed in 2019/20, followed by cattle feed (7 million t).
October 6, 2020/ BLE/ Germany.