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Germany: Decrease in North Rhine-Westphalia's pig census

The pig census has decreased by 5% to 5.8 million head compared to May 2022. There are also 350 fewer farms.

Pig farms* and census in North Rhine-Westphalia as of November 3. Source: IT NRW.
*Farms with at least 50 pigs or at least 10 breeding sows.

Pig farms* and census in North Rhine-Westphalia as of November 3. Source: IT NRW.
*Farms with at least 50 pigs or at least 10 breeding sows.

9 January 2023

According to preliminary data from the State Statistics Office of North Rhine-Westphalia, as of November 3, 2022, the pig population in this German state reached 5.78 million head, down 5% compared to May 2022 (6.1 million head). Likewise, the number of pig farms was 5,670, some 350 farms less compared to May 2022.

Finishing pigs accounted for almost half (47.8%) of the North Rhine-Westphalia pig herd with 2.76 million head, a decrease of 6.6%.

The number of piglets (1.63 million head; -8.6%) and breeding sows (332,700 head; -4.4%) also decreased, while the number of young pigs (<50 kg) increased by 6.2% (1.06 million head).

December 13, 2022/ IT NRW/ Germany.

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