According to provisional results of the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis), some 28.3 million pigs were present in Germany on the reference date of November 3rd 2012. This represented an increase in the stock of pigs of about a 0.5% during the last six months. During the same period, the number of holdings with a minimum of 50 pigs or 10 breeding sows decreased by 1.7%.
Even though there is a clear rise by 2.9% with respect to the number of pigs in comparison with May 2012, we see a decrease by 2.7% with regard to the number of sows, and this, as a consequence, has reduced the number of piglets by 2.2%. One of the reasons of this fall in the number of sows could be the coming into force, since January 1st, of the new welfare regulations for the pregnant sows.

Wednesday January 3, 2013/ Destatis/ Germany.