In 2014, 142.8 million tonnes of feed was fed in domestic livestock farming. Of this, some 126 million tonnes or 88.2% were of domestic cultivation and domestic produc- tion, 16.9 million tonnes (11.8%) of imports. Compared to 2005, the total volume of feed has dropped by 1.0%. Feed from domestic sources and from imports showed a completely different trend: while imports increased strongly by 46.7%, feed from domestic production on the other hand fell by 5.1%.
High increases were observed for oil cake (+ 21.2%) and cereals (+ 24.5%), while the volume of green fodder – that is the feed with the largest share in total feed volume – fell by 3.5%. In domestic production fodder silage has a share of 39.7%. There it is the most important feed. In terms of imports, oil cake is the most important with a share of 53.3%. Concentrated feed from abroad is in particular soybean and canola, which are processed domestically to oil cake or are already imported in the form of oil cake. Most of the food was accounted for dairy cows (38.2%), 25.9% to beef cattle, 11.4% to calves and 13.1% to fattening pigs. Poultry had a share of 9.2% of the total feed consumption, sheep and horses 2.2%.
June 2016/ Federal Statistical Office of
Germany, Land use of food prod
ucts of animal origin, 2016/ Germany.