Holdings with fattening animals should compare their individual figures on antibiotic use for therapeutic purposes with the overall figures in Germany. The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, BVL) released late last March, in their Official Journal, the figures for the whole of Germany concerning the frequency of use of antibiotics for therapeutic purposes in cattle, pigs, chickens and turkeys. Those holdings whose individual data exceed a specific value must take the appropriate measures to reduce the use of antibiotics.
The BVL will publish biannually in the Official Journal the figures based on the type of production and use of antibiotics (median: value below which 50% of all frequencies of use of antibiotic therapy are grouped; and third quartile: value below which 75% of all frequencies of therapy are grouped).
Type of production | Median | Third quartile |
Veal calves up to 8 months | 0.000 | 5.058 |
Fattening cattle up to 8 months | 0.000 | 0.015 |
Piglets up to 30 kg live weight | 4.793 | 26.191 |
Fattening pigs over 30 kg LW | 1.199 | 9.491 |
Broilers | 19.558 | 35.032 |
Turkeys for fattening | 23.030 | 47.486 |
According to figures on the frequency of therapy published in the Official Journal by the BVL. Source: : Herkunftssicherungs- und Informationssystem für Tiere.

When a farm median is above the median for all holdings, the farmer, together with the veterinarian, must identify the causes and take appropriate measures to reduce the use of antibiotics. When the figure is greater than the third quartile, the farmer must develop a written action plan to reduce the use of antibiotics during the four months following the publication of the figures on frequency of therapy, and submit it to the competent authorities. The authorities will check the plan and may request changes and require additional measures to improve hygiene, health or management. In extreme cases, they may suspend activity of the farm.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 / BVL / Germany.