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Germany increased its meat production in 2016

The increase in the average carcass weight made pork production rise by 1,000 tonnes with respect to 2015.

23 February 2017

In 2016, German the commercial slaughterhouses achieved a new record in meat production. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that, compared with the previous year, meat production rose slightly by 0.1% (4,500 tonnes) reaching a total 8.25 million tonnes. This exceeded the previous record in the total amount of meat produced commercially in the preceding year (8.24 million tonnes of meat).

Commercial pork production in Germany in 2016

Commercial pork production in Germany in 2016

During 2016, some 59.3 million pigs were slaughtered: a decrease by 0.1% (63,400 heads) with respect to 2015, being this attributable to the national production. The slaughtering of German pigs dropped by 47,100 heads, whilst the slaughtering of imported pigs rose, in the same period, by 9.0% (383,700 heads), reaching 4.7 million heads. The increase in the average carcass weight increased pork production by 1,000 tonnes in comparison with 2015, reaching 5.57 million tonnes of pork.


Tuesday, 7 February 2017/ Destatis/ Germany.

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