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Germany is working on animal welfare labelling

Labelling on animal welfare is expected to be launched in 2018, starting with pork.

7 February 2017

The German Agriculture Minister, Christian Schmidt, introduced the new label on animal welfare during the International Green Week 2017.

Thanks to this new type of food labelling, consumers will be able to identify products from animals raised above legal standards of well-being. 

According to a survey by the Ministry of Agriculture, 79 percent of respondents favoured national welfare labelling, and 88 percent favoured paying more for products from well-bred animals.

The welfare label will take into account different criteria, including but not limited to: pen size, type of management or transport times.

The objective is to launch labelling on animal welfare next year and, in its first stage only for pork, but including other species later down the line.

Trursday, January 19, 2017/ BMEL/ Germany.

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