Germany's Pork Producers Association, ISN, published the German Slaughterhouses Ranking in 2014. According to these data, last year a total of 58.85 million pigs were slaughtered in German slaughterhouses, a slight increase of 0.2% over the previous year. The 10 main slaughterhouses slaughtered a total of 44.69 million pigs, representing almost 76% of the total quota, and an increase of 1.3% over the previous year.
Tönnies remains the leading company with15.6 million pigs —26.5% of the total quota—, with an increase of 4%. The second most important is Vion, with 9.10 million pigs slaughtered in their facilities, representing a quota of 15.5%, but a decrease of 5.2% in the number of kills. Westfleisch, with 7.65 million slaughtered pigs (13% of total) is the third most important slaughterhouse. Fourth is Danish Crown, with 2.60 million animals slaughtered and a decrease of 5.1% over the previous year. Next come Vogler (2.45 million), Müller Gruppe (1.75 million), Böseler Goldschmaus (1.68 million), Tummel (1.51 million), BMR Schlachthof (1.35 million) and Simon (1 million).

Monday, March 20, 2015 / ISN / Germany.