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Germany submits draft for meat labeling according to how animals are raised

Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir, has submitted a proposed Animal Husbandry Labeling Law.

14 June 2022

The Animal Husbandry Labeling Act determines the legal obligation to label food products of animal origin with the way in which the animals are reared. As a first step, the Ministry of Agriculture has presented the key points for mandatory labeling for livestock in Germany.

The labeling will provide information on the type of housing during animal production. In total, five types of housing are defined (from smallest to largest area available): pen, pen with more space, outdoor pen, outdoor production, and organic production.

First step: Husbandry labeling for animals raised for pork

  • Mandatory animal husbandry labeling will be introduced gradually, starting with fresh, refrigerated, or frozen pork, packaged or unpackaged, in supermarkets, butcher shops, online retail, and other points of sale.
  • Other marketing channels, in particular processed products and catering, will be included in this labeling during the course of the legislature.
  • Other animal species such as beef and dairy cattle or poultry will also be gradually included in mandatory state animal husbandry labeling.

The draft law on mandatory state animal husbandry labeling for fresh pork is coordinated by the federal government and, subsequently, federal states and associations can send their comments. The draft law approved by the Federal Cabinet will be sent to the EU for notification. Deliberations will begin in the Bundesrat in the autumn and the first reading is scheduled for the end of the year.

June 7, 2022/ BMEL/ Germany.

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