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Germany: Pig farming has been decreasing over the years

There are fewer and fewer domestic pigs available for the meat industry in Germany.

2 October 2020

There are fewer and fewer domestic animals available for the meat industry in Germany, and pig farming has been decreasing for years. As of May 3, 2020, the total pig census was 25.5 million head. This represents a decrease of 3.9% or 1.0 million animals fewer than ten years ago. The number of farms fell significantly, decreasing by 39% in the same period to 20,400 farms at last count. This increased the average pig population per farm from 795 to 1,248 pigs per farm.

In recent months, the number of fattening pigs has decreased in particular. As of May 3, 2020, Germany had 11.1 million fattening pigs, which represents a decrease of 5.2% (-614,700 animals) compared to six months earlier.

September 16, 2020/ Destatis/ Germany.

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