The negotiating parties agreed on a minimum wage that will gradually increase until the end of November 2024. The minimum wage collective agreement, declared generally binding, will apply to all employees in the German meat industry as follows:
- 10.80 € per hour worked, likely to be effective August 1, 2021
- 11.00 € from January 1, 2022.
- 11.50 € from December 1, 2022.
- 12.30 € from December 1, 2023.
Compared with the current legal minimum wage, this represents a wage increase of around 30% over two and a half years for the companies.

In addition, both parties agreed to regulate a binding quota for temporary work by means of a second collective agreement, which will only apply to members of the association. The option for the company to hire temporary workers applies without restriction and on the basis of the Guarantee of Workers' Rights Act (GSA) in the meat industry. This means that during seasonal periods, for example, a maximum of 8% of temporary employees may be hired for a period of up to four months.
June 1, 2021/ Food Industry Association/ Germany.