According to preliminary data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), as of November 3, 2021, Germany's swine inventory was 23.6 million head, which is the lowest figure recorded since 1996. Compared to May 2021 data, the number of pigs was down by 4.4% or 1,081,000 head. Compared to November 2020, the number decreased by 9.4% or 2,450,300 head.
Broken down by category, as of November 3, 2021, there were 10.9 million finishing pigs in Germany, down 3.2% or 359,600 head compared to May 2021. Most notable was the sharp decline in the number of finishing pigs between 50 and 80 kg (-8.1% or -422,800 head) to 4.8 million. In contrast, the number of finishing pigs weighing 110 kg or more increased by 7.1% (+90,500 head) to 1.4 million. For finishing pigs between 80 and 110 kg, the number remained almost constant at 4.7 million (-0.6% or -27,300 head). The number of piglets also decreased by 5.7% (-418,300 head) to 6.9 million.

The number of swine farms fell 39.1% in 10 years
At the same time, the number of pig farms is also decreasing. As of November 3, 2021, there were 18,800 swine farms in Germany, which is 4.6% or 900 farms less compared to May 2021. Compared to the previous year, the drop is 7.8% (-1,600 farms).

Since 2011, both the swine population and the number of farms have declined, specifically by 13.8% (-3.8 million head) and 39.1% (-12,100 farms), respectively. As the number of farms has declined faster than the population, the average number of pigs per farm has increased from 886 to 1,254 head over the past ten years.
December 22, 2021/ Destatis/ Germany.