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Germany tackles backlog of pigs awaiting slaughter

The backlog of pigs for slaughter in Germany has been reduced so that it no longer puts pressure on the market.

5 March 2021

Due mainly to the tight supply of growing pigs and increased slaughter capacity, Germany's backlog of pigs for slaughter has been reduced in most regions of the country to such an extent that it no longer exerts any pressure on the market.

At the beginning of 2021, the number of pigs destined for slaughter accumulating in German pens exceeded 1 million animals. Week after week, this excess has gradually declined. Finally, in week 7, the number was down to about 370,000 animals (-160,000 pigs). In week 8, this excess is expected to total less than 200,000 animals nationwide, which represents just over one day's slaughter.

February 24, 2021/ ISN/ Germany.

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