In 2012, the commercial meat production in Germany showed its first year-on-year decline since 1997: in 2012 8.0 million tons of meat were produced, which meant a decrease by 1.9% or 159,500 tons with respect to year 2011. In 1997, the total meat production amounted to 4.9 million tons and, until 2011, rose by almost 67% to about 8.2 million tons.
The Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) also reports that the decrease in the total production in 2012 was mainly due to the decline in pork production. Beef production declined as well, but this was a continuation of the trend observed in previous years. Similarly, the previously rapid growth in poultry production almost came to a halt. In 2012, poultry production was only marginally above the previous year level.

From the total of the meat produced, 67% was pork; 17.7% poultry; and 14.1% beef.
Specifically, in the case of pork, in 2012 the production was almost 5.5 million tons: 2.5% less than in 2011 (-140,700 tons).
Wednesday February 13, 2012/ Destatis/ Germany