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Germany's crop and livestock production in 2023

Crop production reached a value of 37.3 billion euros (+1.4%), while livestock production was estimated at 35.3 billion euros (-0.8%).

23 January 2024

According to preliminary calculations by the Federal Agricultural Information Center (BZL), the production value of German agriculture remained almost constant compared to the previous year. Crop production reached a value of 37.3 billion euros (+1.4%), while livestock production is estimated at 35.3 billion euros (-0.8%).

The weather conditions in 2023 negatively impacted the harvest of many types of grain. In addition, low world market prices influenced the price of grain in Germany.

The further decrease in pig inventory led to price increases and thus to a rising production value.

Lower energy prices led to falling prices for fertilizers and compound feed.

Crop production

According to preliminary calculations, the production value for crop production totaled 37.3 billion euros, an increase of 1.4% compared to the previous year.

The harvest of cereal crops as a whole fell 2% below last year's level. While yields of oats (-41%) and barley (-28%) fell, grain maize recorded a higher yield (+23%); rye and triticale are estimated to have slightly lower or stable yields (wheat: -6%).

A price drop of 15 to 35% was observed for all types of grain (wheat: -30%). As a result, the production value of grain fell by 32.5% to 8.7 billion euros.

Oilseeds achieved a production value of 1.9 billion euros (-37%). The increases in harvest volumes ranged from just under 1% for rapeseed and colza to 2% for soybeans and 4% for sunflower seeds. The prices achieved for rapeseed and colza fell by 38%, for soybeans by 25,%, and for sunflower seeds by 47%.

The production value of fodder crops rose by 43.7% to €5.5 billion compared to 2022. Yields for most fodder crops, such as grass and maize silage, increased by around 3% to 16%. The prices achieved rose by between 3% (hay) and 47% (maize silage).

Livestock production

The production value for animals and animal products totaled 35 billion euros, of which 18 billion was attributable to animal production (+7.6%) and 17 billion (-8.3%) to animal products.

According to preliminary calculations, the production value of pigs amounted to 8.9 billion euros (+15%). Last year's already high prices rose further to €2,273 per tonne in 2023 (+18%). In contrast, the supply of animals fell again by 5%.

December 18, 2023/ BLE/ Germany.

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