Global pork production in 2012 is revised upward 924,000 tons from the last forecast to 104.4 million tons. China, the EU, and the United States account for most of the growth. Exports are raised 440,000 tons to 7.0 million tons with more demand from virtually all major importing countries.
China is forecast up 320,000 tons to 51.6 million tons as rising producer returns stimulated the use of higher quality feeds. EU is raised 135,000 tons to 22.6 million tons on higher than expected swine breeding efficiency, likely caused by industry restructuring. The United States is forecast up 96,000 tons to 10.6 million tons on increased sow productivity and slightly heavier weights. Russia is raised 80,000 tons to 2.1 million tons on expansion of modern, large-scale swine operations aided by government support. Greater volumes are expected from Mexico, up 35,000 tons to 1.2 million tons, due to heavier slaughter weights brought about by improved production practices and growth from the export segment of the industry. South Korea is down 28,000 tons to 982,000 tons as herd re-building, following the foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak, is slowed by tight supplies of sows and lower breeding productivity.

April 2012/ FAS-USDA/ United States.