The Ministry of Agriculture of Greece has confirmed the presence of African swine fever (ASF) in the country. The focus has been detected in a small farm located in the Serres area, north of the country, about 40 km from the Bulgarian border.
Samples of the dead animal were sent to the national reference laboratory who confirmed the presence of the disease.

The Minister of Agriculture, Makis Voridis has announced several measures to contain the spread of the disease, including banning movement of live animals, meat, pig carcasses, pig products, semen, ovules and embryos as well as the prohibition of moving outside the region, without the prior permission of the veterinary authorities, feed, tools, materials or waste that could spread the disease.

The focus of the disease has been detected in the Serres area.
6th of February 2020/ written by 333 based on data from the Greek Ministry of Agriculture.