The Spanish animal health an nutrition industry, represented by Veterindustria, grew by 3.88% in 2016 with respect to 2015. This entails €1,350.08 million, of which €908.03 million belong to the domestic market, with a rise by 4.76%; and €442.05 million (+2.10%) belong to exports, that represent, one year more, approximately one third of the global market of the sector, and although they have kept their growth in 2016, it has been slighter.
Overseas, the main markets for the Spanish animal health products are led by the EU, Ibero-America, Southeast Asia or the Maghreb, where the trust in this sector's products is high thanks to their good quality.
Regarding the products area, it is led by drugs, with an invoicing of €391.10 million, with a rise by 4.04%, that represent 43.07% of the total in this area. They are followed by biological products, additives and premixes, nutritional products and livestock hygiene products.
Regarding the autonomous communities, Catalonia leads, one year more, the national ranking with more than €239 million and 26.38% of the total.
Regarding the species, in 2016 the leaders were pigs (€327.87 million; 36.11%) and cats and dogs (€224.98 million; 24.78%), followed by cattle (€213.84 million; 23.55%) and fowl (€80.92 million; 8.91%). The two first groups represent more than 60% of the total animal species market.
Monday, 17 April 2017/ Veterindustria/Spain.