The Spanish Animal Health and Nutrition industry reached an overall turnover of €1195.54 M in 2015 —i.e., a 8.71%— €866.74 M of which belong to the national market turnover, representing a 8.89%.
The foreign market is already a third of the turnover of the whole sector, with €432.95 M, —an 8.36% in 2015—, compared with €399.55 M the previous year.

The industry growth in 2015 is explained by the increase in the pet, swine and cattle segments (as animal species), with a total of €735.11 M, while in the products sector a noteworthy increase has been seen in the pharmacological and biological products, which together account for €571.41 M.
By autonomous communities, Catalonia and Castile and Leon are in the top two positions with €212.87 M and €105.14 M respectively, but Galicia snatched the third place to Andalusia in 2015, with a turnover of €82.51 M.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 / Veterindustria-Press Release / Spain.