Guatemala has reported 8 new outbreaks of classical swine fever. The outbreaks are located in the departments of Jutipa (1 focus), Chimaltenango (4), Suchitequepez (1), Guatemala (1), Santa Rosa (1). A total of 1039 animals were found susceptible, out of which 40 cases.
Outbreaks in the villages were detected by the official veterinary services following epidemiological surveillance and monitoring carried out after the detection of the first outbreak. Outbreaks in semi-technified farms were reported by veterinarians authorized by the veterinary authorities. They are limited to these farms. No further cases have been observed. Epidemiological surveillance continues at national level.

As a preventive measure, emergency vaccination of healthy pigs was implemented on these farms and on backyard pigs where the outbreaks had been detected and in a 3-km-radius zone. Vaccination is done only by the veterinary authorities and vaccinated animals are identified with ear tags for further epidemiological monitoring.
Friday December 9, 2011/ OIE.