
Guatemala: new outbreak of Classical swine fever

The affectad farm, a semi-industrial swine farm without biosecurity measures, is located in the town of Santo Domingo Xenacoj, in Suchitepéquez department.

1 June 2012

Dr Miguel Angel Azañón Robles, Director General of Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture has informed the OIE of the occurrence of Classical swine fever.

Of a total population of 120 susceptible pigs, 20 pigs were affected. The affectad farm, a semi-industrial swine farm without biosecurity measures, is located in the town of Santo Domingo Xenacoj, in Suchitepéquez department, Guatemala. Swine are fed with concentrated feed and are of different ages. They were not vaccinated.

The outbreaks were detected by veterinarians from the official services. The event is limited to these farms. No more cases observed. Epidemiological surveillance goes on at national level.

Thursday May 31, 2012/ OIE.

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