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United States: House passes bill to repeal mandatory COOL for beef, pork, and chicken

Lawmakers voted 300-131 to repeal COOL.

12 June 2015

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to repeal the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) legislation. Lawmakers voted 300-131 to repeal COOL.

The bill would repeal existing requirements for retailers of beef, pork, and chicken, at the final point of sale, to inform customers of the country of origin of those products. The legislation is needed after the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled for the fourth time the COOL law violates international trade obligations. Failure to repeal the COOL law may open up the United States to $3.6 billion in retaliatory tariffs from Canada and Mexico.

Wednesday June 10, 2015/ House Committee on Agriculture/ United States.

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