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How has the distribution of the European pig inventory changed in the last 10 years?

Significant changes in the distribution of the pig population have occurred within the EU27 between 2013 and 2023. Countries such as Spain have increased their share significantly, while others such as Germany have seen notable reductions.

18 June 2024

The following is an analysis of the most significant differences in the EU27 member states' shares of the total pig population in the last 10 years (2013 vs. 2023).

We observe how Spain has seen a significant (almost 8%) increase in their share of the total EU pig inventory in the last 10 years. Their share has gone from 17.97% to 25.79%, establishing itself as the country with the highest share in the EU.

Germany's share has decreased from 19.83% to 15.89%, a 3.94% reduction. Despite the decrease, it remains the second-largest contributor to the EU pig population.

While Denmark has maintained an almost stable participation, going from 8.74% to 8.51%, other countries have seen slight decreases: France (9.47% to 8.83%), the Netherlands (8.47% to 7.84%), Poland (7.75% to 7.31%), and Belgium (4.48% to 4.05%). Romania has experienced a significant decrease in its share (from 3.65% to 2.40%).

In contrast, Italy, Portugal, and Bulgaria's shares increased from 6.04% to 6.86%, from 1.42% to 1.63%, and from 0.41% to 0.54%, respectively. Ireland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, Croatia, Greece, Lithuania, Slovakia, Cyprus, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, and Malta have seen minor changes or have maintained a stable share.

Evolution of the EU Member States' share of the total pig population over the last 10 years. Source: 333.

Evolution of the EU Member States' share of the total pig population over the last 10 years. Source: 333.

In summary, Spain has seen the greatest growth in its share of the EU pig inventory, consolidating its position as the leader in this sector. Although Germany has seen a reduction in its share, it continues to be an important player. France and Denmark's shares have remained relatively stable, while Italy and Portugal have seen modest increases. On the other hand, countries such as Romania have experienced significant decreases in their shares.

June 17, 2024/ 333 Staff.

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