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If ASF reached the US it would cost $50 billion

How would African swine fever (ASF) in the United States impact its economy?

14 April 2020

A new economic modeling study conducted by Iowa State University and the Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, estimated how an ASF outbreak in the United States would impact the economy.

The study considers two scenarios. The first scenario assumes the disease is well controlled and halted exports can resume in two years. This situation would cost the US $15 billion in losses. The all-years scenario considers the disease spreads to wild boar, it persists for 10 years, and exports cannot resume. This would cost the US $50 billion in losses.

Key impacts on exports, protein and feed prices, employment, and production are predicted.

See the full report summary here.

April 1, 2020/ ASF Impact/ USA.

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