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Philippines: Iloilo hog inventory down 62% due to ASF

The swine inventory in Iloilo has dropped 62% compared to before African swine fever hit.

15 May 2023

As of May 8, the Iloilo province's swine inventory is at 104,411 head, 62% fewer than the 277,421 head recorded in September 2022 before cases of African swine fever (ASF) were reported.

The province is currently not experiencing a shortage in supply, according to the Office of the Provincial Veterinarian. Before ASF, it had 289% sufficiency and the excess was shipped to Luzon. Since March, shipments to Luzon have stopped.

Currently, 25 municipalities in the province have recorded ASF cases; the latest was on April 14 in the municipality of Maasin.

The provincial government has released PHP7.4 million in financial assistance to 735 affected farmers from 23 municipalities. The assistance ranges from PHP7,000 to PHP30,000 per farmer depending on the number of swine affected by the disease.

May 10, 2023/ Philippines News Agency/ Philippines.

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