By Council Decision 2014/668/EU, the Council authorised the signing, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application, of the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Ukraine.
The Agreement provides for the elimination of customs duties on imports of goods originating in Ukraine in accordance with its Annex I-A to Chapter I. The Appendix to that Annex I-A provides for import tariff quotas for pigmeat.
Pending the entry into force of the Agreement, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 374/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, import tariff quotas for pigmeat for 2014 and 2015 were opened and managed in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 414/2014. The Agreement will be provisionally applied as of 1 January 2016. It is therefore necessary to open annual import tariff quota periods from 1 January 2016 onwards, corresponding to 20,000 tons of meat of domestic swine, fresh, chilled or frozen and 20,000 tons of meat of domestic swine, fresh, chilled or frozen, excluding hams, loins and boneless cuts. These quotas will benefit from a zero tariff.
Wednesday November 18, 2015/ DOUE/ European Union.