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Important decrease in the number of farms in Belgium

The main trait of the Belgian agricultural sector is the structural decrease in the number of farms that leads to the concentration of land ownership.

31 October 2018

In the last 37 years, between 1980 and 2017, Belgium has lost 68% of its farms. During this period, the farm disappearance rate was the same in Flanders and in Wallonia (-2.5% per year, as an average). In 1980, there were 113,883 registered farms, whilst in 2017 there were 35,910.

The number of farms has dropped, and the average farm surface has trebled. This phenomenon has been more important in Flanders, where the average size of the farms went from 8.4 ha in 1980 to 26.4 ha in 2017, whilst in Wallonia, the average grew from 20.7 to 56.6 ha, respectively. The number of animals per farm has also grown, with a concentration of production.

Regarding pig slaughterings, they have increased considerably between 2006 and 2010, but they have remained relatively stable since then.

July 2018/ StatBel/ Belgium.

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