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Important reduction in the census of sows in Poland

Noticeably, the decline in the number of breeding sows reached a significant 14.8%, the ensuing census amounting to 814,400 animals.

10 March 2016

In December 2015 the pig population in Poland included 10,590,200 animals, 6% lower than the same period last year (−675,400 animals) and 9% lower than in June 2015 (−1,049,600.)

Noticeably, the decline in the number of breeding sows reached a significant 14.8%, the ensuing census amounting to 814,400 animals.

The decrease in the number of dams and, therefore, of piglets, is being offset by a large import of piglets under 50 kg live weight. Imports until December amounted to 4,237,700 animals, 8.3% more than in 2014.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 / GUS / Poland.

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