The improvement in the price of pork cuts, that showed moderate increases with respect to beef, has caused a replacement in consumption in favour of pork in the last years, which together with the recoveries in the economic activity and consumption explain the high growth rates, as shown in the report of the consulting group Consultores, Investigaciones Económicas Sectoriales (IES).
Pork consumption grew by 9.6% in 2017, reaching 14.1 kg per capita, this being the highest figure in the last decade, with increases for 9 consecutive years.

During this period, pig production amounted 568,000 tonnes, a growth by 8.7% with respect to 2016 thanks to an increase in slaughterings by 7.3%, with a total of 6,425,000 heads slaughtered.
Monday, March 19th, 2018/ Ámbito/ Argentina.