According to the data published by the GPP, during the first semester of this year, pig slaughterings in Portugal have increased by 3.3% (2,760,619 heads vs. 2,673,025 during the same period in 2015). From the total of slaughtered animals, 2,233,487 were fattening pigs (+1,5%), and 510,047 were piglets (+12%), as well 17,085 breeders (-6%). The weights at slaughter have also increased by 1.5% in the case of the fattening pigs and by 13.5% in the case of the piglets.
Regarding the trade of pigs and pork, during the first semester of 2016, and in comparison with the same period in 2015, the imports of pigs and pork have dropped by 13.7%, while the exports have grown by 16.1%. The imports of live animals for slaughtering have decreased by 12.4%, going from 62,585.8 tonnes in 2015 to 5,4818.3 tonnes in 2016, whislt regarding fresh and refrigerated pork, the drop has been by 17.7%, going from 45,405.2 tonnes in 2015 to 37,357.3 tonnes in 2016; and frozen pork imports have dropped by 6.8% (from 12,856.9 to 11,982.2 tonnes). Regarding exports, the sales of live animals grew by 12.4%, going from 12,077.3 to 13,578.5 tonnes, and the sales of fresh and refrigerated meat showed an increase by 14.7%, going from 8,891.7 tonnes in 2015 to 10,197.7 tonnes in 2016. The most significant increase was that of frozen meat (by 46.7%), going from 6,249.2 to 9,165.1 tonnes.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016/ GPP Newsletter Suinos News nº 32/Portugal.