The preliminary data published by the GPP of the National Statistical Institute (INE) regarding the pig herd between January and December 2015 shows an increase by 4.95% in the number of slaughtered pigs (5,637,954 in 2015 versus 5,371,797 in 2014).
These figures can be broken down as 4,466,203 fattening pigs (+2.77% in comparison with 2014); 1,138,010 piglets (a rise 15,4%) and 33,741 culled sows.

Regarding the trade in terms of tonnes, in 2014 the imports fell by 4.54% (from 250,662 tonnes in 2015 to 262,590 tonnes in 2014), and the exports rose by 3.2% (from 73,096 tonnes in 2015 to 70,884 tonnes in 2014).
February 2016 / Newsletter Informação Semanal do Gabinete de Planeamento e Políticas / Portugal.