During April 2016, the pig slaughterings showed a high growth (+11% in terms of heads and +12% in terms of weight). Since the start of 2016, the increase has been by 1.6% in terms of heads and by 3.2% in terms of volume after a rise in the average weight.
In April, the average rice for the E+S categories was €1.29/kg (carcass), a decrease by 9% with respect to March 2015 and a drop by 16% in comparison with the average of the last five years. This decrease is framed in a context of an important European supply and a limited domestic consumption, in spite of the good behaviour of the exports.

Regarding the pork exports, in March they grew by 2.4%, the situation being different depending on the destination, with decreases in the exports to other EU countries and increases in the exports to third countries, especially China. On the other hand, the imports dropped (-4%), and they affected the main providers of France: Germany and Spain.
Agreste Infos rapides-Mai 2016-n°5 11/France.