
Indonesia - Pandemic influenza A/H1N1

The Ministry of Agriculture officially declared on 23 November 2009 that an outbreak of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 occurs in pigs.
27 November 2009
The Ministry of Agriculture officially declared on 23 November 2009 that an outbreak of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 occurs in pigs.

An outbreak investigation has been conducted by Disease Investigation Center, Region II, Bukittinggi. 180 nasal swabs and serum samples were collected in pigs in the breeder, weaner and farrow/finishing units.

33 samples were positive for influenza A and divided on 11 pool samples, which were sent to the Indonesian Research Center for Veterinary Sciences and to the Australian Animal Health Laboratory for advanced tests. 6 samples were positive for pandemic influenza A/H1N1.


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