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InterPIG 2013: clear leadership position of the Spanish pig sector

The data confirm the leadership position of the Spanish pig sector regarding the economic results, with a positive economic margin of +€0.09/kg.

31 October 2014

SIP-Consultors, members of INTERPIG, have just published the results of the SIP-InterPIG report for 2013. The data confirm the leadership position of the Spanish pig sector regarding the economic results.

In year 2013, Spain has had, once more, the lowest production costs among the European countries (€1.23/kg), with a difference of €0.11/kg with respect to the average of the EU4 group (Denmark, France, Germany and The Netherlands). This difference favourable to Spain is higher than the one seen in previous years. The continuous improvement in the efficiency is the cause of this highly favourable evolution in the last years. This privileged position in terms of the production costs (€1.23/kg, the lowest value within the group), combined with a wholesale price at the same level than the highest ones in Europe (€1.32/kg, only exceeded by Germany), gives, as a result, a positive economic margin of €0.09/kg in 2013.

In the face of this highly positive result, we have the contrast of the results in the rest of the countries of the EU4 group, that have negative margins in all the cases (-€0.02, -0.05, -0.09 and -0.12/kg for Denmark, France, Germany and The Netherlands, respectively).

The structure of the production costs in Spain differs from that of the rest of the countries:

  • Feed: Spain has the highest cost (€0.89/kg), similar to that of Germany, and €0.04-0.09/kg higher than in the rest of the EU4 group countries.
  • Housing and management: Spain has the lowest costs (€0.27/kg). It is €0.13-0.20/kg lower than that of the EU4 group countries.
  • Health: Spain has the highest costs, together with Germany (€0.05/kg).
  • Breeding: small differences beteween the countries of the EU4 group.

October 2014/ Informe SIP-InterPIG 2013 ESPAÑA - EUROPA/ SIP Consultors/ Espagne.

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