According to the InterPIG report regarding pig production costs in 2018 for the countries that make up the group, the average cost of production in the EU was €1.63 per kg deadweight – a 4% increase on the previous year. All countries mentioned in the report saw increased prices, except Brazil which was down 12% for the Santa Catarina region (SC) and down 1% for Mato Grosso (MG); prices in the Netherlands were also down 1%.
In 2018, Italy continued to have the highest costs, at €1.93 per kg deadweight. The countries with the lowest production costs in the EU were Spain and Denmark (€1.41).

The average feed price per tonne was €260.02 per tonne, an increase just over 9% compared with 2017. All countries, except Brazil (SC), experienced an increase in feed costs, the highest of which was 14% in Austria.
The overall average number of pigs weaned per sow per year in the EU InterPIG countries showed a nearly 1% increase in 2018, up from 27.88 in 2017 to 28.12. Denmark yet again achieved over 33 pigs weaned/sow/year and the Netherlands acheived 30.6. Great Britain’s outdoor herds showed a decrease of 3% compared with 2017. The U.S. reached 26.8, Canada 24.7, and Brazil (SC) 27.87.
March 2020/ AHDB Pork/ UK.